While planning a wedding in a big city is exciting, there are many things to consider, such as proximity to family and friends vs proximity to city attractions that guests can take advantage of. So, before you choose your wedding venue or set a date, we want to share our list of 5 Important Things to Consider When Planning a Wedding in a Big City.

5 Things to Consider When Planning a Wedding in a Big City
Photographer: Bremore Photography
1. Create a Budget
The first rule of thumb when planning a wedding, whether intimate or on a larger scale, is to create a budget. Let's be honest. Hosting a wedding in a big city is more expensive than in the suburbs or rural towns. Big cities come with many options to choose from and at various price points. Your budget should be discussed with your significant other, and you should be prepared to spend at least one and a half times as much as you would outside a big city.
2. Consider Having Your Ceremony Indoors
Next, on our list of Important 5 Things to Consider When Planning a Wedding in a Big City is to consider having your ceremony indoors instead of outdoors. Sure, the skylines are amazing, but there are some drawbacks to this. We recommend having your wedding ceremony indoors because big cities are noisy. Anything from traffic noise to nightclubs/bars can distract from your wedding. If you want to make sure there is a certain level of intimacy during your wedding ceremony, consider hosting it indoors.
3. Transportation and Accommodations for Guests
When considering the accommodations for guests attending your wedding, be sure to book a room block so that guests aren't left wondering where to stay, if they are traveling from out of town. One of the good things about planning your wedding in a big city is that hotels are plentiful so there are plenty of options to choose from. Your local guests also may look for somewhere to stay after the reception instead of heading home after a night of partying. In addition to the accommodations, make sure transportation is provided for your guests. Whether you provide a shuttle for your guests or ensure that taxis and Ubers are readily available.
4. Be Prepared to Share Your Venue
Also on our list of Important 5 Things to Consider When Planning a Wedding in a Big City is the sharing of your venue space. When it comes to planning a wedding in a big city, many venues host more than one wedding on any given day. Be sure to plan to share your venue with other couples getting married.
5. Allow Extra Time for Parking and Traffic
If you live in a big city, you already know that with big cities comes lots of traffic. Allow guests extra time to get through traffic especially those that have traveled from out of town and are not familiar with the city. Also, be sure to check for any construction delays or road closures that may be helpful. In addition, if your venue does not provide parking, you should allow extra time for guests to secure adequate parking.
If you would like to learn more about our 5 Things to Consider When Planning a Wedding in a Big City, contact us to speak to one of our wedding planners.