With the spring and summer months coming, now is the perfect time to think about having a backyard wedding. It's the perfect intimate space to host friends and family. Not to mention backyard weddings are becoming more popular due to the COVID-19 pandemic. That's why we've come up with some of The Pros and Cons of Having a Backyard Wedding: A Guide for Chicago Brides.

1. Saves You Money
The first thing we would like to mention on our, The Pros and Cons of Having a Backyard Wedding: A Guide for Chicago Brides is that having a backyard wedding saves you money. The money that you would have spent on a wedding venue can be saved for a rainy day or to purchase a home. Keep in mind that you would still have to rent some items such as tables, seating, and possibly a tent but overall you will be saving money that can be used in the future.
2. Intimate Guest Lists
Next on our list of The Pros and Cons of Having a Backyard Wedding: A Guide for Chicago Brides, is that it allows you the opportunity to keep the guest list to a minimum. Since backyards are generally smaller than a wedding venue, keeping your guest list to close friends and family members would be easy to explain to those that weren't invited.
3. Flexible Dates
Since you will be hosting your wedding in the backyard, there is more room for flexibility when it comes to the date. For instance, if you need to postpone your wedding to a later date, you wouldn't have to worry about your date being booked. Also, you don't have to worry about booking a venue during peak wedding season.
1. Weather
One thing that is totally out of our control is the weather. It can disrupt some of the best-made wedding plans. The weather in Chicago is pretty unpredictable and can go from 4 seasons all in one day. The best possible solution would be to speak to your wedding planner about "Plan B" if the weather chooses not to cooperate on the day of your wedding.
2. Permission to Proceed
When it comes to hosting an outdoor event as big as a wedding, you may need to get permission to proceed. For instance, some neighborhoods may have block club associations that must approve of such a big event. The alderman's office may need to issue a permit for you to proceed with your wedding plans also. Finally, you may need to obtain a permit from the City before you are allowed to proceed. In any case, give your neighbors a courtesy by letting them know that you will be hosting your wedding in your backyard.
3. Wedding Crashers
There's always one, right! When hosting a backyard wedding, there's always the possibility of an uninvited guest or neighbor that just so happens to show up. Not to mention family members who insist on staying at your house especially those that may travel from out of town. The best way to avoid those traveling from out of town staying at your home is by listing nearby hotels on your wedding website. Your wedding website is the best place to explain to guests why this would not be the best time to entertain any house guests.
If you would like to learn more about The Pros and Cons of Having a Backyard Wedding: A Guide for Chicago Brides, contact us to speak to one of our wedding planners.